Posted by: masaranghk | October 26, 2011

Windi and Pongo!

A note from Willie Smits about a lady called Windi

Windi was born shortly after midnight, when I brought in three orangutan babies from Bontang to the Wanariset orangutan station. She grew up at the orangutan center, where her father worked for me, with the orangutans and eventually she studied forestry herself to help the orangutans. Then she joined me in BOS and worked to help in the Samboja Lestari project. Now Windi, together with her father Eddie is growing fruit trees in a tree nursery next to Samboja Lestari and organizing a group of local women to make these little orangutan dolls called Pongo, in this way spreading awareness through the community of Samboja and its surroundings about orangutans and the importance of nature conservation.

The sale of these little orangutan dolls help the local people, who get an income, the orangutans that receive better welfare, as well as the establishment of new forests that benefit people and the environment. The extra income through the sales abroad goes directly to the projects of Masarang HK in Indonesia.

Windi’s portrait hangs around Pongo’s neck. I hope you like Pongo! In this way everyone can do their part for a better future.

Willie Smits

Pongo’s are available in HK but are sold out at this time – we will let you know when we have stock though if you want to pre-order one at HK$60 each please send us an email.

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