Kung Hei Fat Choi
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Dr Willie Smits Interviewed by European Investment Bank
KAS Bank interviewed Willie in order to create a film about inspirational leaders to help motivate the bank staff. KAS Bank has now allowed the film to be viewed by all.
Please click the link below to watch the short film in which Willie gives his views about people and our planet:
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Masarang Foundation’s Tasikoki wildlife rescue and education station visited by US Ambassador
On the 9th of January, 2014, Masarang was honored with a visit by the US ambassador to Indonesia, the honorable Robert Blake, and the US consul in Surabaya, Joaquin Monserrate. The ambassador was accompanied by his wife Sofie and their three daughters as well as around 100 officials of various institutions in North Sulawesi, amongst which the mayor of Manado.
After an introduction in the education center with presentations from the provincial head for forestry, Ir. Herry, the representative of the governor, Drs. Roring and Simon Purser and Dr.Ir. Willie Smits of Masarang, the visitors started an excursion around the 56 hectare compound of Tasikoki. A special coincidence happened when the night before a person was arrested in the harbor of Manado for drug smuggling. In his possession the police also encountered some 200 protected reptiles from Halmahera Island. These animals were confiscated and brought to Tasikoki and beneath here is a picture of the moment that these animals arrived at Tasikoki. The Ambassador just happened to mention before their arrival that one of the reasons President Obama supported action against wildlife trade was that there was an intricate connection between drug, weapon and animal smuggling! And spot on the proof arrived at our station!

From left to right US consul in Surabaya, Joaquin Monserrate, Ambassador Robert Blake, Tasikoki Animal Conservation Manager Simon Purser and Masarang Head Dr. Willie Smits.

On the right Ambassador Blake and the mayor of Manado looking at the reptiles in the bags and bottles noting the horrible conditions under which these animals are smuggled and how many die in the process.

Picture of the press conference held at Tasikoki. From left to right Dr. Willie Smits, Ambassador Robert Blake, Head of the provincial planning agency Mr. Roring and Dr. Vicky Lumentut (Mayor of Manado) and at the far right the secretary of the Minahasa Utara district where Masarang’s Tasikoki is located, Sandra Moniaga.
During the press conference Ambassador Blake praised the work of the Masarang Foundation and Tasikoki in the efforts to rehabilitate and protect wildlife and that the American Embassy was proud to support the work with an initial 25.000 USD. He applauded the good cooperation between Masarang and the forestry department and the police to stop the smuggling of animals from the nearby harbor of Bitung to the Philippines and other countries.
The Ambassador stated that on February 11th, 2014, President Barack Obama had issued the national American strategy to eradicate wildlife smuggling through the involvement of 17 governmental agencies with a focus on law enforcement, stopping demand for wildlife and developing international cooperation. Indonesia as the country with the worlds second highest biodiversity after Brasil is an important country to do this work also in view of the fast deforestation threatening the survival of many rare animal species. This is why America already signed the bilateral agreement with Indonesia to deal with animal smuggling.
During the press conference the mayor of Manado explained how shocked he was at the scale of the problems and he promised he would use his power to issue to programs to stop animal issues in his Manado city. The first one involves law enforcement in the harbor of Manado and at Manado airport to completely eradicate animal smuggling. Secondly he will issue a decree against the sale of any bushmeat in markets or restaurants in Manado. The ambassador thanked the mayor for his support.
After the official event the ambassador and his family took a trip around the compound visiting the many confiscated animals. Here is a picture of the ambassador and Willie Smits in front of the orangutan facility. The ambassador said he would come back soon to spend more time with us at Tasikoki.
It was a very good day for wildlife, for Tasikoki and for our Masarang Foundation!
Willie Smits, Tomohon, January 2015
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Wu Kai Sha Kindergarten Raises Awareness and Support
Thank you so much Wu Kai Sha community for your help and support.
We are very grateful indeed. ” Masarang HK Committee”
The children, aged from 3-5years old, were invited to attend the kindergarten wearing clothes of their choice with a splash of green or orange. The colours were chosen to reflect the colour of orang-utans and the forest they inhabit. There was an amazing show of support from parents and children.
In order to help the children understand the work of the Masarang Foundation, the children watched a video of a young Orang-utan being rescued. This instigated many curious remarks from the children and we will be revisiting the subject again when we inquire into living things later this term. The children were also involved in activities such as creating a rainforest collage from natural and recycled materials.”
Helen Brighton (K2 Class Teacher, Environment and Sustainability Coordinator)
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A Big Thank You to Jockey Club Sarah Roe School!
JCSRS School Community presented a wonderful, inspiring Christmas Show and also showed their continuing support for Masarang HK.
The Christmas Show was called ‘December around the World’ and was a fabulous, fun event featuring all members of the school community.
The event began with a presentation of a cheque to Masarang HK, represented by Dr Willie Smits and Adrienne Watson, by the School Principal, Ms Karin Wetselaar. The marvellous sum of HK$20,340 was raised by staff and students taking part in activities, including the annual Walkathon. JCSRS has been a long-term supporter of Masarang HK and we are extremely grateful and proud of our association with this inspiring school.
A number of other staff and student performances were a pleasure to watch.

Dr. Willie Smits; Chris Durbin, ESF School Development Adviser; Virginia Morris, Chair of School Council; Adrienne Watson
A BIG thank you to all those in the JCSRS Community!
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Amazing Calendar Sales by Victoria Shanghai Academy
The ever-growing Masarang Club at the VSA gave a wonderful speech during the whole school assembly and presented Dr Smits with a cheque for HK$20,000 raised by Masarang Calendar Sales.
This total beats the school calendar sale record set during the last sale! Dr Smits then gave a presentation to the school community about how their support is really helping Masarang Foundation projects.
After the assembly, a lovely orangutan drawing was given to Dr Willie Smits by one of the primary students, Stephen Yang.
Another big thank you to the Primary Principal, Ms Susan Smith and the whole school community at the VSA for their ongoing support!

Class Theacher (Sjouke Desmet), Y3A5 Class Student (Stephen Yang), Dr Willie Smits, and Primary School Principal Ms Susan Smith
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Masarang HK Fundraising at Island School
Teachers and students help to raise funds for Masarang Foundation projects.

Island School Teachers Ross, Sarah and student supporters do a great job promoting Masarang projects and selling their
self-designed merchandise to help support Masarang projects
In addition to designing and selling great merchandise, Island School Masarang supporters sold Masarang palm sugar and Masarang HK calendars.

The team do a great job selling items to protect endangered wildlife, promote reforestation
and empower rural communities. Ross Burrough’s beautiful photographs provide a great backdrop.
Teacher Chris Lord and his assistant created the lovely fondant orangutan to complement Chris’s delicious palm sugar banana bread.
A BIG THANK YOU to Island School staff and students for their dedicated support!
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Wonderful Help and Support from HK Students at Tasikoki
For the fourth consecutive year, Masarang was visited by high school students from five International Schools from Hong Kong in October and November this year. Masarang was happy to receive again more students than the year before, with a total of 91 students (in the ages of 13 to 16 years old) this year. The schools visiting Masarang is a result of the close cooperation with Masarang Hong Kong.
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Palm Sugar and Masarang Calendars Sales with VSA Support
The Year 2A5 class at Victoria Shanghai Academy put on an assembly related to palm sugar and the Masarang Foundation. Through their unit on making healthy choices, the children researched different types of sweeteners and looked at the benefits of foods that were organic and preservative free. This took their inquiry into palm sugar, how it is made and how it supports communities in Indonesia. At the end of the assembly, the children announced that there would be calendars and palm sugar sold the following week.
Calendars and palm sugar were sold at recess time by members of the Masarang After School Club. The response from the children and staff was overwhelming.
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