Take action! Time to say goodbye to Oreos and Ritz Crackers.

On September 22nd, the Masarang Club presented its plan of action against palm oil to Dr. Guy and Mr. Dawson. This led to the historical decision from the school management and administration not to provide snacks containing palm oil at school functions any longer, once current stock have been used up.

alternative-snack-session tasting-session

To this end, on October 27th, a tasting session was organised by the Masarang Club to help select alternative snacks that could be offered to guests and parents at Coffee mornings and other school functions. The tasting session was attended by Dr. Guy, Mr. Dawson and Ms. Leung, who is the Head of Admin. They sampled palm-oil-free snacks the members of the club had baked themselves or carefully selected and brought in school.

Furthermore, the Masarang Club is planning on establishing a weekly NO PALM OIL SNACK DAY on Thursdays and is currently working on an advertising campaign in the form of a movie to educate the whole school community about the harmful effects of palm oil.

Do you know all these snacks do not contain palm oil?


Arenga Forest Sugar on sale at VSA

在探究單元中,學生探討了棕櫚糖的營養價值。學生還學習了如何看食物標簽,比較各種糖的好處和缺點,很多同學都嘗試用棕櫚糖做出美味的食品。此外,我們還通過購買棕櫚糖幫助印尼的人民。 我們總共訂購了57包棕櫚糖, 所有款項都會捐到青山綠水協會有限公司,協助他們在印尼的工作。


Posted by: Admin | November 22, 2016

West Island School at Tasikoki

It’s been a rather eventful week for Mr Head, Ms Williams and sixteen keen and enthusiastic students from West Island School, Hong Kong who have just enjoyed five days at Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre.

West Island School accomplished a great deal in a short space of time at Tasikoki. Their week started with an introductory session into the local biodiversity, learning about the challenges and the impact of the illegal wildlife trade whilst raising awareness of Indonesia’s deforestation issues and the importance of protecting the remaining habitat to prevent further extinction.

Biodiversity Game

Onsite activities for the week included a large scale beach clean up, bug hunting, foraging and creating enrichments for the animals at the rescue centre. Cooking classes to make local, palm oil free, sweet treats and a Permaculture project whereby the students helped to establish a food garden around the lodge.

Learning also continued away from Tasikoki with a day trip to Bunaken, one of the best dive sites in the world, to snorkel above an extremely rich and bio-diverse coral reef. Followed by a second day trip to Tomohon to learn all about the amazing Arenga Pinnata, a mixed forest palm which produces more than 60 products. West Island School witnessed how the juice is extracted from the Arenga palm in the forest and then turned into a delicious sugar, by hand, at the local Masarang Sugar Factory. The tour continued with a hike to the top of a local volcano followed by a trip to Rurukan to experience the local and very cultural warrior dance. Before the week came to a close, West Island School also had the chance to visit a local school to share their musical skills and learn more about the local culture, a very fun and popular excursion.

The Management, staff and volunteers at Tasikoki would like to send a sincere thank you to West Island School for their continued support and donations. Their generous donations were greatly received by the animals and staff at Tasikoki. We hope that you all had a truly inspirational experience at Tasikoki and look forward to greeting you again next year.


Posted by: Admin | November 8, 2016

Green Week at Clearwater Bay Primary School

Clearwater Bay Primary School raised more than $23,000 for Masarang HK during their Green Week activities at the end of last term.
The funds have been used to support the salary of the two vets at the Sintang Orangutan Centre (SOC), as well as food for the orangutans.

The SOC project rescues orphan orangutans. The two veterinarians, Dr Vicktor and Dr Jati, and the SOC team are taking wonderful, professional care of all the 36 rescued orangutans at the Centre.

Dr Vicktor & Dr Jati at Sintang Orangutan Centre

Dr Vicktor & Dr Jati at Sintang Orangutan Centre


Dr Jati caring for one of the orphan baby orangutans.

Dr Jati caring for one of the orphan baby orangutans.

During Green Week, the school community took part in activities including:
Meat free Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Waste less Wednesday, (Nature) Photo Thursday and Free Dress Friday.

During Tasty Tuesday Masarang palm sugar was sold and tasty snacks were made for all, including scrumptious cakes and cookies baked by members of the school community. A Bake Off proved a very popular activity and a ‘Clothes Swap’ for adults raised $3000!

Ross Burrough, Photographer and Island School teacher, visited during Photo Thursday to talk about photography, as well as to explain the photographs from the exhibition being displayed during Green Week. The exhibition shows images taken at the SOC projects, including:
an illipe nut factory built to help empower the Dayak community;
the devastating effects of oil palm plantations on the local people and Nature;
the beauty of the natural rainforest environment;
the orangutans.

We have included reference to the Green Week in the Masarang HK Calendar, including the image below.

Students in CWBS Playground

Students in CWBS Playground

Our grateful thanks to all members of the CWBS community for their support!

Posted by: Admin | November 4, 2016

South Island School’s Visual Highlights of Tasikoki

For the third year running, students from South Island school have just returned to Hong Kong after having spent one whole week at Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre as part of their CAS programme.

One student, Shannon Hui, was very inspired by the time that she spent at Tasikoki. Upon returning to HongKong, she made a series of videos about her rewarding experience at Tasikoki.   Shannon expressed her sincere gratitude to the event organisers stating:

“Thank you again for the memorable trip, it is by far an experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life.”

We are delighted to be able to share the highlights of her trip to Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre with you.

By Shannon Hui

Arrival & Educational Activities & Tasikoki Wildlife & Rescue

Upon arrival to Tasikoki following an accumulatively 18 hour journey, our adventure begins. The rescue centre resides within what appears to be the centre of nowhere, whilst being beyond what any of us could have expected. Waking to a landscape that can be described by nothing short from “beautiful”, it was overwhelming, with its divergence to what we’re used to calling home. Walking along the stone paths of the rescue centre, a symphony conjured by the species of Tasikoki surrounds you: cockatoos, babirusas, sea eagles, cassowaries, sun bears, and orangutans are only a few amongst many more. Over the week, we have opportunities to make enrichment for these animals, from foraging, assembly, to feeding. Furthermore, tree planting, beach clean ups, visual art projects, and excursions to other Masarang projects such as the Tulap turtle hatchery are also included within our agenda- there’s never a dull moment. These service activities provide for greater awareness of local ecosystems and the importance of wildlife conservation, and has been a source of humbleness and enlightenment for everyone on the trip.

Click the image to watch the video:

From enrichment, tree planting, beach clean ups, visual art projects, and excursions to other Masarang projects such as the Tulap turtle hatchery- there’s never a dull moment. These service activities provide for greater awareness of local ecosystems and the importance of wildlife conservation….Click the image to watch the video


Excursions to Bunaken & Tomohon another amazing educational experience.

As you walk around the circumference of Mahawu volcano, you’re only metres away from its border; snorkelling amongst Manado’s reef, its fish and coral are close enough to touch (though, of course, you shouldn’t!). Interacting with the local community at Rurukan and in a secondary school, it was heartening to find that we found means to connect and communicate albeit a language barrier. From its people, to their houses, to the scenery from land to ocean, the magnificence of Indonesia is beyond the limits of words. But reality set in at our visit to the local palm tapper and Masarang sugar palm factory, where we were made aware of the extent to which palm oil is harmful to both ourselves and the environment as the industry links itself to issues such as deforestation and animal cruelty. At home, we’re accustomed to consuming products without a second thought- purchase, use, dispose, repeat. But following our return from this Tasikoki, we can begin to recognise and consider the ethics of our choices and actions, demonstrating engagement with issues of global significance.

Click the image to watch the video:


We explored Mahawu volcano, a local sugar tapper, and Manado’s coral reefs, as well as interacted with the local community at Rurukan and at the secondary school. From its people, to their houses, to the scenery from land to ocean, the magnificence of Indonesia is beyond the limits of words…..Click the image to watch the video


The Tasikoki & Masarang experience – Highlights

Highlights from a service trip to Tasikoki, Manado by South Island School, Hong Kong.

Click the image to watch the video:

Highlights from a service trip to Tasikoki, Manado by South Island School, Hong Kong….click the image to watch the video

We wish the whole world would follow their example!


On Thursday, 22nd September, members of the Masarang Club presented their action plan to Dr. Judith Guy and Mr. Dawson. The Masarang Club will be implementing a weekly No Palm Oil day to encourage the students of VSA to eat snacks that do not contain palm oil. Members of the Club hope that students will buy and eat environmentally friendly snacks and in turn, adopt more sustainable habits.


‘No Palm Oil’ snack day will take place every Thursday during morning recess. Details about this day will be written on the VSA portal in the upcoming weeks. Snack suggestions will be displayed on the 5th floor boards as well as different names for palm oil that fall under ingredient lists on products.


Students who bring snacks without palm oil will be rewarded one house point. Students are encouraged to bring fresh fruit for recess snacks but more suggestions will come in the near future. In the meantime, try out this recipe at home!




Willie’s talk proved both thought-inspiring and useful to the different year bands attending, as it included curriculum relevant examples of “how the world works” and “Sharing the Planet”.
In addition, we hope the senior students were inspired to volunteer at Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre in 2017 to visit some of the Masarang Foundation projects and take part in relevant Creativity, Activity and Service programmes.
Posted by: Admin | October 13, 2016

South Island School Students CAS Week at Tasikoki

On the 2nd October 2016, 28 students and 4 teachers from South Island School, Hong Kong, visited the Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre for a week of educational activities and volunteer opportunities.
Belinda Ng, one of the pupils from South Island School and a junior reporter for South China Morning Post; Young Post, has shared with us her account of the “Masarang Experience”. Belinda’s journal makes for a truly inspiring read and we are delighted that she has returned to Hong Kong with the determination and motivation to carry forward what she has learned. She is indeed a ‘ Masarang environmental ambassador’ and we are confident that some of the other hard-working, dedicated members of the group will also become environmental ambassadors in Hong Kong. We look forward to hearing more about the positive changes that Belinda and the other students will be making in and around Hong Kong as a result of their school trip to Tasikoki Wildlife and Rescue Centre, Sulawesi, Indonesia.


Indonesia CAS week, by Belinda NG

For someone who has lived in the concrete jungle of Hong Kong all her life, this trip into the lush tropical jungles of northern Sulawesi, Indonesia, was a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget. Away from the crowded, fast-paced way of living, the five days I spent at the Tangkasi eco-lodge in the Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre gave me invaluable insight into the rampant problems of animal trafficking and deforestation in the region.



Day 1 Welcome to Tasikoki
Our week began with the collections of all the donations brought in from Hong Kong, alongside introductory sessions on the role of the centre, as well as the biodiversity in the region due to Sulawesi’s geographical location. This was particularly helpful in allowing us to really see things in context, to comprehend the causes of the illegal wildlife trade, and connect it with the activities we would be doing throughout the week. We also learnt about permaculture from Olof and Anna, a very interesting way to understand the need for sustainability and how we can work with nature for shared benefits.

Next, we were taken on a tour around the centre to see the animals. The rescue center focuses primarily rescue, rehabilitation, and release of animals from the illegal wildlife trade- however, as we soon found out, this was a task easier said than done. Identifying land for release, trying to training animals for life in the wild after years of captivity, continued deforestation, conflicts with local farmers (which results in animals being killed)… these are only some of the issues facing the animals today, which hinders their chance of getting released. It was my first time seeing sun bears, and we were all very taken by their inquisitive nature. It truly saddened me that their numbers are still dwindling due to extensive habitat loss and intrusions onto farmland. Another particularly memorable moment was hearing the cockatoo’s say “pagi” (good morning in the local language) in a very realistic way. Whilst this may sound humorous, it is a stark reminder of the animals’ traumatic past; they are often cruelly forced to learn this to entertain people when they are pets.

In the afternoon, we began the rotations for our project sessions. There were four activities we worked on: beach clean up, enrichment, art, and agroforestry (tree planting). All of these project activities allowed us to engage into the daily routines of volunteers at the rescue centre. I particularly enjoyed making the enrichment for the sunbears and birds; the animals didn’t waste time digging up our hidden enrichment foods at all. Whilst the sun bear enclosure cleaning was not the most pleasant task at hand, teamwork was key in helping us empty out all the poop in record time. In addition, the artwork project session was very fulfilling- turning the trash collected from the beach clean-up sessions into a piece of artwork retained a very powerful message of the importance of keeping rubbish out of our oceans.

Day 2 Grasshoppers and Turtles
We awoke in time to rush up to the top of the tower at the eco-lodge to glimpse the early morning sky; little did we know the stunning view was only the beginning of another fruitful day.

Accompanied by the early morning howls of the gibbons, we made our way into the forest, or“wonderland” as the volunteers call it, to begin foraging for the animals. On the bug hunting team, we were quick to learn about the two primary ways of bug hunting; it was a real trial of our reflexes for those of us who were still sleepy! I was quick to discover that the real challenge actually came from locating these perfectly camouflaged animals. Along the way, we also spotted many species of spider, as well as cool insect eggs within the bushes. After a very productive foraging session, a few preying mantises also joined the breakfast menu for the rescue animals. Having fed and delivered breakfast to the primates, we then headed off for our breakfast and continued project sessions.

In the afternoon, the occasional drizzling rain didn’t dampen our spirits due to the prospects of going to a beach for some fun and games. For me, however, I was crossing all my fingers and toes for the sighting of baby turtles hatching! We worked to construct a “turtle highway” for the baby green turtles by smoothing out the sand so it was easier for them to enter the sea. Our work paid off; the first baby emerged from the sand about thirty minutes before it got dark- a brave lone traveller that didn’t stop crawling until it met the sea. Soon, others followed, and we helped to guide them to the sea with our torches.

This had been one of my long time bucket list goals, so it was by far the most memorable moment for me on this trip. It is shockingly sad to learn that out of a hundred turtles born, statistically only two will make it to adulthood and nesting age due to human activity, pollution, plastic waste, and beach disturbance. The Tulap turtle beach is a brilliant example of what is being done to help protect these endangered turtles, and I can only hope that these baby turtles do manage to survive to come back some day, amidst gradual human encroachment into their lives.

Day 3 Ocean Exploration

We were all up bright and early and excited for the day’s events: snorkeling! We boarded the snorkeling boat, and headed out to the dive spots for the day. Having been split into two groups for snorkeling, my group first headed to the beach. However, the abundant diversity of coral and life in the water was already evident just meters away from the shore. We spotted blue starfish, bright blue fish, and many tiny fish! Out at the edge of the reef, the sheer size of the coral was breath taking. Our dive spots were part of the famed coral triangle, an area of sea in the region known as the “Amazon of the sea”- I can see why. Never had I seen such beautiful and bright colours on coral, and their intricate fan shaped or branch-like designs were mesmerizing. There was also brain coral and many other species that were bigger than my dining table. I also successfully found Nemo and Dory within the coral reef!


Lunchtime was followed by a beach clean-up. We discovered all sorts of things washed up on the beach, the most peculiar being an old TV set, but mainly lots and lots of polystyrene. Seeing this up first hand really made me realize the importance that we stop using all of these plastics right now.

The weather took a turn for the worst after lunch, but this was an adventure in itself. As the currents grew stronger, it was an entirely new world at our second snorkeling site- the reef tinged with a new darker colour due to the increase in sediment, and it was harder to swim alongside the reef in the rain, but there were huge shoals of fish at this dive spot that made swimming alongside them all the more magical.


On our way back though, the skies unleashed its water on us, and as we sped into a giant rain cloud, nothing was left dry. So when we arrived back at the diving center, everyone took the chance to jump into the warm swimming pool. This proceeded into a game of Killer Ball with the locals; the extensive splashing and high speed game was an exciting way to end a fun and freezing day.

Day 4 Sugar Sugar Sugar
Today, we headed to visit Tomohon, a key area for the Masarang foundation. We visited a sugar palm farmer’s hut, and learnt more about how tapping this sustainable form of palm sugar has supported him, and given his children the chance to get proper education. We then headed into the forest in Rurukan to plant some more sugar palms. Next, it was time to see the sugar palm factory and Village Hub; we had the privilege of having Dr Willie Smits on-site to show us around. As it turns out, Mother Nature truly does produce the most efficient designs. The different parts of the sugar palm tree can be utilized in so many different ways, whether it may be for construction material, sugar production, biofuels, and even alcoholic drinks. We got the chance to taste some of its products, and learn about the ingenious way in which all of the resources in the area have been utilized in a sustainable way to produce bags of sugar that is then sold for profit. This “closed-system” design also efficiently caters for any waste products, which are then reused- imitating how things work in nature!

After lunch, we hiked up to see the stunning Mahawu volcano crater, and we got the chance to watch a cultural dance at Masarang mountain in the village of Rurukan. The main learning point for today is that there is hope for us to work alongside nature and learn to use it sustainably; that way, everyone benefits.

Day 5 Animal Encounters and School Visit
The day began early again with the final foraging session during our stay here. Foraging in the bushes for fresh leaves was an invaluable learning opportunity in itself; I saw different types of coloured fungus, giant beetles, and mint leaves in the forest. We then fed the deer, long-tailed macaques, and Wallie the wallaby, before heading off to breakfast ourselves.

After that, I chose to do some more enrichment for the birds. It was a cool experience to actually enter the bird enclosure to see the beautifully coloured birds up close and watch them enjoy the enrichment we made for them. My group and I also met the resident Cassowary- a prehistoric looking bird with a giant rumbling call.


In the afternoon, we headed to a local secondary school to exchange with students our age there. We split into mixed group for a discussion session, and I had my first experience of learning to speak in the local language to describe my favourite animals. It is important to realize the significance of education about environmental protection to the next generation; only through gaining awareness that protection of the forests will allow everyone to benefit, will the deforestation in the region cease to exist, and this begins with education.
I especially enjoyed learning the local clapping games and songs- regardless of the language barrier, everyone was eager to exchange different games, and we all had a lot of fun.

Time passed all too quickly. An afternoon of laughter, smiles, and fun concluded as it started to get dark. We were informed that a giant reticulated python that had swallowed a pig whole had just arrived at the rescue center- a reminder of the importance of the Tasikoki wildlife rescue center in protecting both the animals and the local people in the region.

For me, these five days of volunteering at Tasikoki has served as a truly inspiring wake-up call for me. We often learn about all these environmental problems from the news, but actually arriving into the midst of these problems in Sulawesi and doing our part to help out really helps to put things into new perspectives. I learnt that there are ways we can work with nature in a sustainable manner. That way, the environment AND the people can benefit. I return back to Hong Kong feeling inspired and full of hope for all the possibilities for change in the future.

Posted by: Admin | October 11, 2016

Masarang Hong Kong Connecting with Schools in Singapore


Supporting Sustainability of Earth’s Resources – Conservation

This Blog has been written by:  Hari Preetha 5 Hope, Nicole Sim 5 Hope, Ranya Sandra 5 Peace
CHIJ Our Lady Queen of Peace.

On 23rd September 2016, Ms. Watson from Hong Kong, President of Masarang Foundation came to our school (CHIJ Our Lady Queen of Peace) to share with us about the importance of sustaining Earth’s resources. Through the assembly programme, we have learnt valuable lessons.


You may be wondering how we, humans, can ‘save’ or ‘help’ Mother Earth by doing our part by keeping our planet clean and green. It is because there is no other planet in the universe that humans can live in. Most of all, it is our duty to keep our Earth clean and take good care of it.

One of the ways to sustain Earth’s resources is to conserve trees. Trees help not only humans but also birds and other animals as they create an ecosystem to provide habitat and food for them. Trees also take in carbon dioxide and harmful gases such as sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide from the surrounding air and they release oxygen vital for living things. If we keep demolishing our rainforests for human activities and benefits, such as to build buildings or to make paper, we are actually demolishing animals’ homes and destroying an entire ecosystem in the rainforest. Here are some ways on how we can play our parts to conserve trees:
1. Use paper wisely
2. Use both sides of a paper
3. Use recycled paper for drawing, sketching etc.
4. Plant trees and restore our rainforests
Another way to sustain Earth’s resources is to protect endangered animals. We should not destroy forests for our own needs. If we destroy them, the animals would start wandering into the cities and because they want to protect themselves, they might indirectly attack us.
Our first instinct would tell us to run from that place. However somehow the animal gets killed by an authority. The poor animals are actually being killed for no reason as we were the ones who took away their homes and when they come out to look for food, they end up in the city. It is our fault when animals are actually endangered. For example, the orang utans spend more than half of their lives living on trees, if we cut the trees down, their homes would be gone. Orang utans are primates closest to human beings, we must protect them.

There is also another reason why animals must be protected. Particular animals are being poached for their body parts as they either have medicinal value or kept to decorate a place. Some are also killed for their meat. For instance, Blue Whales are killed for their meat in Japan mainly. People in China catch sharks, cut off their fin and let them back into the sea. Eventually, the shark would die as it would lose a lot of blood and it would not be able to swim. The fins which are cut off would be used in a cuisine called ‘Shark Fin Soup’. Tigers are killed for their skin to beautify a house. Elephants are poached for their tusks as it can be used to make piano keys and it has medicinal values too. These are the reasons why animals are endangered.

Lastly, I would like to say we must practise the 3Rs – Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Always remember to do your part to keep the world clean, protect the trees and animals by sparing a thought for them. Or else, one day after many years, animals would become extinct and humans would be in a zoo watched by robots. If you do not want this to happen to us, please start to save our Mother Earth.

We had an enriching session with Ms. Watson, our teachers also had an engaging session to learn more about conservation after the assembly programme. We thank Ms. Watson for her valuable time and experience shared in CHIJ Our Lady Queen of Peace.


French International School Visit Tasikoki


In June this year, students from the French International School in Hong Kong visited the Masarang Foundation in Indonesia in order to further their studies in “Ecology & Second Territories”.

Prior to the trip, the students had been meeting weekly in Hong Kong to discuss the topic of Biodiversity. Focusing on the deforestation issues in Indonesia, they had been learning about the devastating impact of Palm Oil cultivation.

Their trip to Indonesia proved informative, insightful and educational.  The students have taken some time to reflect and have published their experiences in this journal, which we sincerely hope all would read (whether translation is needed or not)!

Visit their website to learn more about their trip which is packed with pictures and videos.

Read what motivated Lucy Cotillon to participate in the trip and learn how she raised funds to help.
Find out what it is like at Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre, from Amel Fouad’s account.
Victoria Airaut explains what life is like when mobile phones and the internet are banned for the week.
Thomas Wool explains what a day in the life of Volunteer at Tasikoki Wildlife and Rescue Centre can be like…especially the early morning start in order to feed the animals. Plus he talks about how the students learnt to adapt to the heat and handle a day full of activities.
Naïra Penbeyan details some of the insects that live at Tasikoki and how the students learned to share their living space with them!
Whilst Benoit Cuvelier talks more about the larger mammals, reptiles and birds that he encountered whilst staying at Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre, he even made a video about this experience.

If you would like to know more about Masarang Foundation’s educational programmes at Tasikoki then please contact us.


We are proud to be included in the TVB Pearl documentary: ‘Adventure to the Edge 2’.

Sean Lee-Davies’ documentary aims to raise awareness in Hong Kong and across Asia about the environmental crisis the world is currently facing.

Over the course of the six part series, Lee-Davies travels to some of the wildest places in Africa and Asia.

‘Adventures to the Edge 2’ is an entertaining, provocative and exciting look at the planet’s most beautiful – and at risk – animals and natural attractions. It should be a wonderful series that brings local attention to critically important environmental issues.

We are proud to be included in the third programme in the series. This will be shown on Wednesday 21st September at 9pm. Dr Willie Smits was filmed with members of the Masarang Club at the Victoria Shanghai Academy.

It is clear that the time for change is now!
Masarang HK aims to help raise awareness of critical environmental issues with projects that aim to provide some local solutions, such as:

Reforestation, with more than 5 million trees planted;

Empowerment of the poorest local communities, especially through education and the sugar palm/illipe nut factories;

Protection of endangered species, especially the critically endangered great ape of Asia, the orangutan.

Willie with extremely interested and knowledgeable students at the Victoria Shanghai Academy.

Willie with extremely interested and knowledgeable students at the Victoria Shanghai Academy.

 VSA Masarang Club students eagerly explaining to Willie about their ‘No Palm Oil Day’ Initiative at School.

VSA Masarang Club students eagerly explaining to Willie about their ‘No Palm Oil Day’ Initiative at School.


Willie being interviewed for the documentary about Asia’s great ape, the orangutan, and why this critically endangered thinker of the jungle needs our help.


Adrienne answering questions at the Adventures to the Edge 2 Press Conference.

Adrienne answering questions at the Adventures to the Edge 2 Press Conference.

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