Dr Willie Smits

Dr Willie Smits is the founder of the Masarang Foundation. Dr. Willie Smits is a forestry engineer, microbiologist, conservationist, animal activist and social entrepreneur.
If you want to know Willie a little bit better, view the video made in 2015 for the Kas Bank wherein Willie explains his view of the world and his work.
Adrienne Watson
Adrienne Watson is a founder and the chairperson of Masarang HK Society.
She is passionate about protecting Nature, especially endangered wildlife and orangutans in particular.
Adrienne was born in Hong Kong.
She worked in the Hong Kong Government for almost twenty years in the Education and Training departments.
She is now a full-time volunteer for the charity.
Dr Merrin Pearse
Dr Merrin Pearse is a Sustainability Strategist who blends together his formal training as a Land Surveyor with his passion of reconnecting people with nature. In the 10 years Merrin has been in Hong Kong, after shifting from New Zealand, he has been very active in local environmental awareness raising. During the 4 years that Merrin worked at Friends of the Earth (HK) he managed projects on waste and air pollution. Now as a freelance consultant he works with some of Hong Kong’s largest companies to help communicate and facilitate the adoption of more planet friendly technology. He is a volunteer for a number of NGOs including being the Chairman of Living Islands Movement and he organisers the monthly Hong Kong Green Drinks events.
Sharne McMillan
For 15+ years, Sharne worked in the ecological field including consultancy and research. This involved work in a range of habitats and with a number of species in Australia, the UK and Hong Kong. She is currently undertaking a PhD at the University of Hong Kong studying the ecology and conservation of Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) in Hong Kong. She also enjoys working with students to increase their awareness of biodiversity and species conservation.
Lisa Pang
Lisa Pang is a science teacher at KGV School in HK with a specialism in Biology. She enjoys sharing her enthusiasm for Ecology and Environmental Sustainability with her students inside and outside the classroom.
Adrian Lam
Adrian Lam Currently an Accountant for HKTC Corporate Services.
Interested in Financial Reporting, Hong Kong Corporate & Individuals Tax Issues and would love to bring his current skills to Masarang HK.
“It is my pleasure to have been working as the Voluntary Treasurer of Masarang HK for the past 5 years, since 2013”