Posted by: Admin | October 4, 2024


The bond between Annette and Rosi at the Sintang Quarantine Centre is remarkably strong and deep. Day after day, the two are almost inseparable, always seen in each other’s company, with Rosi consistently following Annette wherever she goes. Whether Annette is walking around the enclosure or swinging from the ropes inside, Rosi stays close, clinging to her. Their companionship is so tight-knit that it’s difficult to imagine one without the other, as they seem to move through every part of their day together, side by side.

One afternoon, after they had finished their usual meal, Annette noticed something that caught her eye—some leftover kale in Beno’s enclosure. Always the observant one, Annette’s attention was drawn to the remnants of food, and it seemed Rosi instantly understood what she had in mind. Without hesitation, Rosi followed Annette closely as they both climbed to the top of the enclosure. Working together, they managed to retrieve the leftover kale and happily shared the spoils, eating together until every last bit was gone.

This particular routine wasn’t an isolated incident; in fact, a similar pattern is observed during their lunch sessions. Rosi, displaying a remarkable sense of deference, always waits for Annette to take her portion first before helping herself. It’s as though Rosi is constantly attuned to Annette’s actions, hesitating to grab her own food if Annette hasn’t started eating yet. While they usually share their meals side by side, there was an occasion when Rosi, feeling a bit more independent, chose to distance herself slightly from Annette. She climbed up high and began eating alone, swinging in the air. But even in moments like these, their bond was evident. Just as Rosi was nearing the end of her meal, Annette appeared, making her way over to her friend. Without any fuss, Annette managed to sneak a small portion of Rosi’s food, as if gently reminding her of their shared companionship. After that brief interlude, the two were back to their usual selves, resuming their activities together as though nothing had changed.

What’s particularly fascinating about Rosi is her protective nature when the animal keepers approach. If Annette seeks attention or wants to be stroked by a keeper, Rosi will often spring into action, positioning herself as a barrier between Annette and the keeper. She will bare her teeth and sometimes even attempt to bite, as if to show her deep sense of loyalty and protectiveness over her close companion. It’s a clear sign that Rosi sees herself as Annette’s guardian, always looking out for her wellbeing.

Beyond her close relationship with Annette, Rosi has her own playful side, particularly when it comes to her personal space within the enclosure. She has a special fondness for her shelter, where she often disappears. Inside the shelter, she can be seen spinning around playfully, only to then swing on her hammock with visible enjoyment. Her hammock is her favorite spot, and she often combines playtime with other activities, such as eating her food or engaging with her enrichment items. It’s in these quiet moments of play that Rosi’s personality truly shines, revealing not just her attachment to Annette, but also her playful, independent streak.

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