We have found it very difficult to continue our usual awareness raising and educational projects this year, but we remain very grateful for the interest and support we have continued to receive.
We are especially grateful to our wonderful long-term supporters, the Victoria Shanghai Academy (VSA) for generously funding the release of orangutan Victoria from the Sintang Orangutan Centre (SOC).
A lovely video from the VSA showing their awareness raising with their Masarang Dress Up Day:
We also are grateful to Jonathan and Hye-Jin Crompton for supporting the construction of the turtle hatchery at Temboan beach. We have supported endangered sea turtle protection at Tulap and Temboan beaches for many years, which has resulted in tens of thousands of five species of sea turtle making it to the sea. We are grateful to the kindness of donor Dr M, in Germany, for his kind support of turtle protection and orangutan care.
In 2022, we were able to donate some funds to Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre and SOC, though far less than before.
This month we supported some festive enrichment for the animals at Tasikoki and the orangutans at SOC and funds to help with the care and forest school for the lastest rescued orphan orangutan.
Please consider sponsoring orphan Bondan, if at all possible.

Bondan doing well at SOC and how he was found, chained at the neck by his ‘owner’
Please see the lovely video from the SOC Team showing some of the enrichment being distributed. We were also able to support a small celebration for the teams at SOC, Tasikoki and the Masarang Foundation.
Please find some photos and short videos of some of the enrichment for the orangutans being distributed at SOC, as well as images of some of the Team members from SOC and images of the festive thanksgiving celebration from the Masarang Foundation.
Thank you for your interest and support.
Festive Greetings,
The Masarang HK Team
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