Adrienne was pleased to give a talk to the wonderful VSA students and staff.
The school asked for a talk on ‘How the Production of Goods and Services is Developed to Meet our Needs’. The students had lots of very good questions after listening attentively throughout the whole talk. Some students wrote comments after the talk. Please see those below with some photographs of the presentation as well as some of the Masarang Foundation organic palm sugar etc.
Though students are studying from home at this time, we were very pleased we could give a talk before the temporary closure of the school. We were able to give real examples about the need to think holistically as global citizens, as well as appreciate the possible consequences of our actions. We were also able allow the students to understand more about the work of Masarang HK, the Masarang Foundation and Dr Willie Smits.
We are very grateful for the long-term support from the VSA and hope that the whole school community is safe and well.
Thank you.
Masarang HK

Ms Adrienne Watson and a group of year 3 students that attended the talk.
22nd January 2020
This is a picture of two of the orangutans that Masarang HK has supported in the past at the Sintang Orangutan Center and that are now living free in the Betung Kerihun National Park after their release some six months ago. The name of the mother is Tanjung and her baby’s name is Liesje and both are doing well thanks to the help of so many loyal supporters. Liesje was named after a volunteer from The Netherlands named Liesbeth who helped the Sintang Orangutan Center a lot.
What actions I would like to take now:
Here are some reflections from four Year 3 students:
●Isabella – I might want to adopt an orangutan and tell people not to waste and bring their own cases when they go to restaurants for leftover food. I will remind them to bring them. I will also remind people to bring their own bottles and not buy them from stores.
●Hin Ching Leung – We should not eat food that has palm oil in it. Palm oil comes from oil palm trees. Forests get chopped down to plant palm oil trees and then the orangutans have no home to live in. We also should not waste paper. We should use both sides of a piece of paper and use the full page.
●Constance Lui – I don’t think people are being kind because many animals are endangered because of our actions. I learned that Lush is eco-friendly.
●Jayden Chui – I learned that lots of people chop down trees and even burn the ground to get rid of the remainders so that it is easier to plant the seeds of the palm oil tree. The Masarang Society helps save animals in need and helps heal animals that are injured and try to stop people from chopping lots of trees.
So now you know the consequences the earth faces almost every day. We hope that you will help to save and influence the world to help critically endangered animals and forests. We learned so much from our Masarang Talk.

This is a picture of two of the orangutans that Masarang HK has supported in the past at the Sintang Orangutan Center and that are now living free in the Betung Kerihun National Park after their release some six months ago. The name of the mother is Tanjung and her baby’s name is Liesje and both are doing well thanks to the help of so many loyal supporters. Liesje was named after a volunteer from The Netherlands named Liesbeth who helped the Sintang Orangutan Center a lot.

Here a picture of the students listening to the talk by Miss Adrienne Watson, the founder and chairman of Masarang HK.
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