Principal, Staff and Students of SFCA Yung Yau College with their donations to Tasikoki
A group of staff and students from SFCA Yung Yau College visited Sulawesi and volunteered at Tasikoki Wildife Rescue and Education Centre earlier this year. We wrote about a previous group visit in 2018 (https://masarang.hk/2018/07/24/shun-tak-fraternal-yung-yau-college-students-volunteering-at-tasikoki/) and we are all very proud that another group visited this year.
We believe that the SFCA Yung Yau College Team has learned a great deal from their experience and we know they donated a great deal of time during their Easter holiday and showed a great deal of energy and enthusiasm. We are also very grateful for the items they donated to Tasikoki, as shown in the photo above.
Thank you to the school management for helping to arrange the visit and for volunteering with the students. The principal, Mr Alex Kai, as well as three of his senior leadership team and two additional staff, spent a week of the Easter holiday volunteering and supervising the students.
A very special thank you to Mr Billy Kwok Kee Yung for sponsoring this visit to Tasikoki for the second year. We are very grateful for his support and his generosity.
The wonderful report the students have already prepared upon their return to HK can be read via the link below. We hope you enjoy it. We certainly did!
We are also very excited that the students and going to prepare an animation and we will be uploading that as soon as it is finished.
Volunteer at Tasikoki
Volunteers are very important to Tasikoki, not only for the donations they bring but also for the work they do and the example they provide. School visits are vital to Tasikoki and visits from schools in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore have been taking place for more than 9 years. Masarang hk is very proud to have initiated this international school residential programme as we believe each volunteer visit brings:
greater global awareness to every student;
greater understanding of relevant curriculum topics;
more essential support for Tasikoki.
Please contact us if you would like to visit or support Tasikoki:
Thank you.
Masarang hk Team
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