The smoke caused by forest fires is dense and choking all life in the region so the Sintang Orangutan Centre needs help and support even more desperately!
The donation was millions of … rupiah (actually around HK$65,000!).
The funds came were donated to Masarang HK, especially from KGV school community ($40,000) and a Birthday donation from the ‘friends of Andy’.
The money from KGV will be used to adapt and improve the rehabilitation and socialisation cages, as well as to pay for food for all 29 orangutans for 2 months.
The money from Masarang HK donors will be used to pay for salary for the vet and 2 paramedics for another 6 months.
These talented specialists provide wonderful care, which is just what all of the rescued orangutans need.
Thank you to all those who helped us, help the orangutans in need.
Masarang Hong Kong Committee

Above: a picture of the handing over of the donations from Masarang Hong Kong. From left to right in Top row: Alexandra Vosmaer, enrichment coordinator for the orangutans, Dr. Willie Smits, founder of Masarang Foundation and head of board of trustees, Sintang Orangutan Centre, Miss Adrienne Watson, chairman of Masarang Hong Kong.Bottom row: Dudung Pakpahan, project director, Father Jacques Maessen, project supervisor and head of the Kobus Foundation.
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