JCSRS School Community presented a wonderful, inspiring Christmas Show and also showed their continuing support for Masarang HK.
The Christmas Show was called ‘December around the World’ and was a fabulous, fun event featuring all members of the school community.
The event began with a presentation of a cheque to Masarang HK, represented by Dr Willie Smits and Adrienne Watson, by the School Principal, Ms Karin Wetselaar. The marvellous sum of HK$20,340 was raised by staff and students taking part in activities, including the annual Walkathon. JCSRS has been a long-term supporter of Masarang HK and we are extremely grateful and proud of our association with this inspiring school.
A number of other staff and student performances were a pleasure to watch.

Dr. Willie Smits; Chris Durbin, ESF School Development Adviser; Virginia Morris, Chair of School Council; Adrienne Watson
A BIG thank you to all those in the JCSRS Community!
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