Posted by: masaranghk | September 18, 2013

Masarang Supported Research Brings Benefits to Local Farmers

The Masarang Foundation has supported PhD candidate, Tartius Timpal, to undertake research into environmentally friendly methods for controlling insect damage to the crops of local farmers in Tomohon, North Sulawesi.

Tartius Timpal

Many farmers in this region face the problem of insect damage to their crops, which can sometimes result in the loss of 75% of the crop.  Apart from the loss of income, the farmers have often already borrowed money to purchase fertilisers and pesticides to establish the crop, therefore resulting in further financial consequences for them.

Inoculating the larvae with bacteria

Inoculating the larvae with bacteria

Tartius Timpal’s research investigated bacteria naturally occurring in the soil of the forest which had the potential to kill various insects.   His research has resulted in the identification of strains of bacteria that can be used to kill up to 100% of the insect larvae causing the crop damage.  While further research into the most efficient bacterial mixture for application is required; preliminary analyses have shown the production of the bacterial mixture is much cheaper than the existing chemical, fossil fuel-based artificial pesticides and achieves the same effectiveness.

Various field tests show dramatic differences in the effect of the various strains of bacteria that Tartius isolated. The best ones have a 100% success rate!

Various field tests show dramatic differences in the effect of the various strains of bacteria that Tartius isolated. The best ones have a 100% success rate!

The next step is to set up a small, commercial production system for the bacterial mixture so that that thousands of farmers can be helped to adopt more environmentally friendly farming methods while making a better living from the land.  Masarang Foundation is proud to support research which preserves the natural environment by empowering local people.  Please see the link below for further information regarding Tartius Timpal’s research.

The Smiling Researcher (Full Text), by Dr. Willie Smits

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