Posted by: masaranghk | March 10, 2015

Rescue of Cemong and recent photographs of her and her friends at SOC

When Cemong arrived her hairs were very long, because she hadn’t been able to move a lot in her small enclosure so the hairs didn’t wear off. Everything got stuck in it and therefore got very dirty. We gave her a little bit a haircut so it was easier to handle for her.

When we let Cemong play in the trees for the first time, she went immediately very high up and also stayed up there very long. When she got a bit lower the other babies who were still in the baby enclosure got her attention. On one side, inside the baby enclosure, five babies were all hanging on the fence in the top of the enclosure, all being very interested looking at Cemong in the trees. And on the other side, in the trees outside the enclosure, was Cemong hanging on a branches looking at her upcoming new buddies. After this first meet and greet we introduced her in the baby enclosure where she is doing well. She spend most time with her new mate Terra. She is a lot high up in the enclosure, so this might be good match for forest school too to get Terra more high in the trees.

In terms of nesting, Cemong already collects, organises her browse and sleeps on it, just like Iga does.

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